GTA 5 players on the PS3 can use these fun cheats to make the game exponentially more interesting.

Several console gamers keep their old consoles around instead of discarding them or selling them off. Use either the digital pad and buttons on your PS3 controller or via the in-game cell phone to enter the cheats below.

Owning the game also meant access to cheat codes, which is a great way to increase the element of fun and make the game more interesting. GTA V, one of the staples of the Grand Theft Auto Series, was also released on PS3 for players not actively looking to upgrade their console to the next generation. It was a pleasant surprise for fans that the game wasn't just released on the next-gen consoles, but on the PS3 and the Xbox 360 as well. It's a marvel that the PlayStation, which was at the end of its console cycle, could run GTA 5 with no problems. It has in-depth gameplay systems and activities, and the sheer number of things you can do in GTA 5 is simply astounding. It's a very advanced title game that can rival some of the best games of 2020. It's easy to forget that the GTA 5 came out all the way back in 2013, nearly 7 years ago.